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move to another place中文是什么意思

用"move to another place"造句"move to another place"怎么读"move to another place" in a sentence


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  • There used to be a big supermarket , but it has been moved to another place
  • The companies then moved to another place and continued operating by using another name
  • Students did not have much tolerance for long lists on the results page and moved to another place
  • Previous to this tax incentive plan , productions would only stay in a state for one to two weeks , shooting exteriors , and then move to another place where they could get a tax credit
  • Previous to this tax incentive plan , productions would only stay in a state for one to two weeks , shooting exteriors , and then move to another place where they could get a tax credit
  • Then , after returning to the home she shared with a friend , mother suddenly could no longer stand the smell of fish and meat , and felt nauseous upon eating it . later , she told me that she wanted to become a vegetarian for the rest of her life and move to another place for she could not bear the cooking of fish and meat where she was living
  • Introduction : click the mouse can put a tube screen arbitrary box , click on the wrench icon can be placed around the pipe has been moved to another place only three opportunities . in a limited time frame from the main link pumps , when connecting the tubes after several quantities can move on to the next concern
  • Click the mouse can put a tube screen arbitrary box , click on the wrench icon can be placed around the pipe has been moved to another place only three opportunities . in a limited time frame from the main link pumps , when connecting the tubes after several quantities can move on to the next concern
  • For example , a batch of large and medium - sized key projects such as the yamzhog yumco pump storage power station and the norbusa chromite mine in shannan are put under strict supervision and management in accordance with the law on environmental protection ; the garbage dump located close to the lhasa river was moved to another place to minimize water pollution , and polluted water treatment centers were set up
用"move to another place"造句  
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